The Maria Hollósy Embroidery Competition was created in 2017 with the aim of supporting the tradition of embroidery, appreciating the art of people who create works of art - embroideries - into which they transform their feelings, sense of harmony and goodness.

The competition is named after Mária Hollósy, thanks to whom the Slovak embroidery was talked about beyond the borders of the Austria-Hungary Monarchy.

Slovak embroidery

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries the Slovak embroidery and lace were among the most sought-after fashion items. However, due to the power and geopolitical arrangement in the world, the Slovak embroidery was often referred to as Hungarian embroidery.

Mária Hollósy

In Cífer an embroidery school had been operating since 1892 under the leadership of Mária Hollósy, an excellent embroiderer and capable organizer. Several women often worked on one embroidery because they specialized in various techniques. As early as 1896, M. Hollósy was awarded a silver medal by the Minister of Commerce for her work exhibited at the Millennium Exhibition in Budapest. The success of the embroidery from M. Hollósy's workshop culminated at the World's Fair in Paris in 1900, where the association under her leadership won the highest GRAND PRIX award and she personally received a silver medal.

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